Monday 6 April 2009

DVD Update

I am back from viewing the Paris summer collection of shorts and preparing for the DVD.

Here is a letter explaining what is happening. In short I will use about 10 players from 11-1 and then rest from then on, so we don't have too much hanging around. I have the shirts!

The first years of contact rugby DVD
Dear Parent
Your son is invited to take part in the making of a rugby coaching DVD that focuses on how to coach children in their first few years of contact rugby.

The film is being made by and I will be leading the coaching and your son will be filmed being coached.

The filming will take place at Grange School, West Cross on Thursday 16th April 2009. We are going to film in two sections, with ten boys for the first part and then the whole group for the second part. The first part will start at 11.00am and the second at 1 pm. I will write to you again stating which one to come for as I don’t want the boys waiting around for too long.
For all those boys taking part, I envisage we will finish around 4 pm, if not before.

The boys will receive a shirt and a copy of the DVD when it is produced. On the day they should come with their Mumbles kit and a packed lunch and plenty of drinks.

In terms of the day itself, it will be like a normal training session, just with a few more breaks. Because I am going to be fully involved in the filming itself, I cannot take full responsibility for each child. However we will be in a closed school environment. When your son arrives, I will check him in, take contact numbers and if you need to pop off, then I will be able to contact you (like a child’s party).

Overall we want to create a similar atmosphere to a normal training session, so you might even appear in the video yourselves!

Please feel free to drop me a line on any points.

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